Cheered for Cassie and Halle at their basketball games. They are both playing on travel teams and have had games in NWA lately. Drew loves watching them and does so well at their games. He asks to give them kisses while they are playing, cheers for them and even tries giving advice... his famous line has been "take it to the rack" and he will yell it with no reservations at all.
Had picture day at school! There was a day for individual pictures and a day for class pictures. He was super cute and still sporting the curls! (best pictures i could get) Speaking of school, I got a note from Drew's teacher last week that said he had mastered all of the Early Primary work and they have started a shelf just for him with Primary work to keep him challenged. So proud of our little smarty!
Watched a Bobcat! We went out to the new house and they were working on the driveway - I loved this picture of Andy and Drew. I think they could have stood here and watched this all night.
Hung out with neighbors. Aubrey just lives down the street and we caught them outside one night. They are so cute together! I love this picture. What a gentleman.
Cut the curls off! We were so sad, but it was time. He immediately looked two years older and was so extremely handsome! He loves getting a "hair cup" too, so he didn't mind at all!
Made our first trip of the year to the Farmers Market. Drew stood and watched these guys play for a good amount of time, so he did the right thing and tipped them for their service.
Perfected his free throw's! Look at those cute little calves and that form! He can't dribble more than 2 times at a time yet, but he would attempt to dribble, stop, get his hands in the right position on the ball and then shoot. Very consistent routine. And again, seems so big.
Learned to pedal his tricycle! This seemed to happen overnight. I went out of town for work and came back to a little pro. He can take that thing anywhere and is pretty fast! When I was walking with him and would get in front to take a picture (of course), he would say "watch out Mommy! watch out!"
Got "Egged" by our friend Ryder. Such a cute idea! Drew loved it. I didn't get pictures of him hunting the little eggs in the front yard, but he had so much fun with it!Went to Springfest and made another trip to the Farmer's Market! Springfest was a first for all of us. There were some cute booths, Drew got to do a little craft, but the best part was how perfect the weather was!
Colored Easter Eggs! And loved it! Our eggs were more the tie-dye version. All eggs were dropped in each color and sometimes even shared a cup. We had some interesting colors when we were finished!
Celebrated Easter! We started the morning off with an Easter basket, went to church and then to my parents house for dinner. Marlowe and Drew hunted eggs in the backyard and were pretty cute about it. They would find a plastic egg, sit down, open it, eat what was in it and then start over. I also caught Drew opening the eggs and dumping the candy in his basket, then throwing the egg back in the yard.
It looks like Drew is checking Kenzie out here!
Such a fun month!