Monday, June 16, 2014

We moved!

I am behind on updating the blog (again), but for a very good reason this time - we moved in to our new house!! We had been renting a place and building for the last six months, so we have been on cloud nine over the last month - packing, moving, unpacking, getting settled, etc. It has been a bit exhausting, but we have been here for a little over 3 weeks now and things are starting to feel more like home. This is the first thing he thought we needed to do right when we pulled in the driveway that first night...
 Picnic dinner in the living room floor!
 Checking things out the first morning...
 First friend to have over!
 And another one....
First concert in the living room...
First time to cook at the house and the first time for me to use a gas stove...
First mow...
I don't have a "first" title for this, but I love it for some reason - taking a serious stroll to get the mail...
One of his favorite hang outs when we are in the kitchen...
Drew loves the new house! Every time we come over the hill and he can see the subdivision entrance, he says "there's our new house!"... however, he has struggled with the sleep factor. When we moved in, we set up his big boy bed and that probably wasn't the best combination. So many things changed for him all at once and I have felt guilty for doing that to him, but we are getting there! Some nights he does really well, either not getting up at all or quickly going back to bed if he does wake up. But we have had a hand full of nights that remind me of having a newborn - up every two hours or up for two hours straight. I do think there have been times that he was actually sleep walking. One night he hadn't made a peep and then I woke up to him standing at our door saying "i need to put my underwear on" and he was actually holding a pair! Oh dear. Hopefully all of this is phasing out! 

The night before we moved, he had his first school play. Too cute not to put on here! Each year, their school does an International Dinner and each classroom studies a different country. At the dinner, they count in the language from their country and then do a song and dance. The parents also bring different foods from each country. Drew's class had Kenya, so they counted in Swahili! Crazy! Little man is going to be teaching me so many things soon!
It has been a while since I've updated our favorite Drew moments also. I know I won't remember all of them because we are having full out conversations and stories now days, and everything that comes out of his mouth is hilarious. But off the top of my head...

 - Scoop for scoot - "mommy, i need to scoop over"
 - Backerds for backwards
 - Bafroon for bathroom
 - Back for bat
 - Dragon for wagon
 - Muksics for music 
 - Guitark for guitar
 - Haircup for hair cut
 - Up tie for up high
 - Racroon for racoon

 - "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" (in the sweetest voice you've ever heard)
 - "I wanna do golf course" "I wanna play basketball goal" - when he wants to play golf or basketball.
 - "That's a no sir!" - he can do some serious scolding when he sees you doing something you have told him not to do.
 - "Don't go out in the stareet oookaaaay?" - if he is talking to you and telling you something, he ends it with an okay just like that - super drawn out and southern. 
 - "No, we're not singing yet. You've got to be on the carpet, oookaaay" - I'm pretty sure he has heard this at school a time or two :)
 - "Night, night, sleep tight. Don't let the bugs bite. See you later aligator. After while crocodile. See you soon racroon"- This is what him and Andy say to each other every night while I'm getting him ready for bed. It is so cute! I wish I could type out the way he says crocodile - hilarious.
 - "Oh, that's cool" - he says this when he asks a question, you answer and he apparently thinks the answer is cool. 

Like I said - his vocabulary exploded to full out conversations so quickly, that I know I'm missing so many. One more reason to stay on top of this thing more often...