Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Drew is 3!!

By far the best age and by far the best birthday we have celebrated so far! Drew loved every minute of his day. When he woke up, we let him open his presents from us and enjoy a birthday waffle with candles. Christmas morning was so much fun this year, but his birthday morning almost put it to shame. He loved his gifts and the big deal we made about him on his day.
He got a dune buggy that he calls a "four-wheely-er"...
A remote control dog that he named Magget...
Legos and a new pair of Lebron's that he calls his "bron shoes"...
 We had his birthday party later that morning at Brick by Brick.. a lego place in Fayetteville. They did an awesome job making sure Drew had the perfect party. Wow! Can't say we won't be considering it next year as well.
Checking out his birthday message...
Mimi, Traci, Marlowe and Laney working one of the lego tables...
They played 2 games and one of them was Freeze Dance...
 The other was Lego Limbo - Drew was supposed to be the leader, but he didn't understand that he was going to catch up with the kids in the back of the line. Let's just say he got very frustrated over it! Luckily everyone thought it was hilarious, but he was huffing and puffing, telling his friends he was the line leader and it wasn't their birthday. Thankfully cupcakes followed shortly to make up for it!
Drew wanted to serve all of his friends their cupcake, so he went around the table and passed out cupcakes before we sang Happy Birthday... sweet gesture!
 Family pics! We truly have the best family all around. Drew is beyond blessed with the best, that's for sure!

After the party, we went next door for lunch and I loved this picture of Drew having fun with the girls and Aunt Dess...
 It was cold that afternoon, but he got to ride his four wheely-er for about an hour and he loved it..
We took him to Shogun for his birthday dinner and he was extremely fascinated! Fun treat for all of us, really!

And after dinner, Uncle Tim and Aunt Dessa took him to Toys R Us to pick out a birthday treat. He chose a new guitar, of course! 
 Talk about an unforgettable and amazing birthday day! We all had so much fun. We ended the weekend with dinner at my parents house on Sunday and this is by far my favorite picture of Drew and his Poppy to date, so I had to add it!
Later that week, we met up with our friend and almost birthday twin, Ryder for their own little celebration. We went to Chuckee Cheese and they had a blast!

An update on what Drew's up to at the ripe age of three....
 - Still loves music... mostly the guitark and singing, but enjoys the drums also. He asked me tonight if he could have a "pinino"... I finally figured out he meant piano!
 - Counting to 20 and his teacher texted me the other day that he is counting in quantities now. So if he sees a picture with 3 dogs, he will count them and tell you there are 3 dogs in the picture.
 - Spelling Drew, Ross and Sam. Spelling 3 words at 3 years old! He is also asking me how to spell different words as he sees or hears them. And if he has a book, he will follow the sentence by spelling it out with letter recognition. 
 - Working on mastering 48 piece puzzles by himself! We coach him through chunks of it, but he will ultimately put the pieces together on his own.
 - Really interested in birthday's. He knows the month and day of his, mine, Andy's and Baby Jesus' birthday. He will often ask when someone else's birthday is if they come up in conversation or we are talking to them.
 - Knows the three gifts the wise men brought Baby Jesus on his birthday. He says "gold, frankins, myrrh"... He can't say frankincense all the way.
 - Completely dresses himself from head to toe for school every day. 
 -  Extremely curious. He used to ask why to everything and still does to a lot of things, but he has started asking what things mean now as well. Always wants the whole picture.
 - Has started talking about things matching or being the same and noticing when they aren't. It took me a few days to convince him that mismatched socks at bedtime were OK. One day he walked through the house with his stomach pushed out as far as it would go and said "Mommy, we got the same thing!". Ha!
 - Still loves all things sports. Since it has been so cold lately, golf is at a stand still so he's been loving soccer and football inside with Dad. 
 - Learned how to play hide and seek, but he calls it seek and hide. Him and Andy play almost every night. When Andy counts and says "ready or not..." Drew will yell "i'm right here!", which makes us laugh and probably why he keeps doing it. He has gotten better though and if I hide with him he does much better.
 - Not the best eater for dinner, but he loves breakfast and according to his teachers he eats really well at school.
 - Has a huge heart! He is always so inclusive... If one of us is playing with him, he always asks if the other one wants to play too... If I tell him he's "mommy's boy", he tells me he's "daddy's boy too", etc. He is always concerned with what is going on with us too. Literally 6 weeks ago a little boy in our Sunday School class told Andy to shut up and spit in his face and Drew has maybe missed 3 days of talking about it. He will always bring it up and then say it hurt his heart or Baby Jesus and Mary don't like that. It's sad that he's apparently scarred from it, but it's a little sweet that he is so bothered by someone doing something to his daddy! 
 - Is super excited about becoming a big brother!! He kisses my belly a lot and tells Ross Henry he loves him. I asked who he wanted the most at his birthday party and he said Ross Henry and he told another parent at school the other day that he was going to tickle his baby brother. 

I think that's a good enough update for now! Love this kid. Love our life with him and absolutely can't wait to see what this next year brings! He is hands down the coolest, studliest, sweetest, most hilarious little being ever!