Monday, October 14, 2013

Parent Teacher Conference & A Little Potty Training

Last week, Drew had his very first Parent Teacher Conference's... ha! Yes, Parent Teacher Conferences for a 21 month old. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it turned out so great. They fill out an entire packet of information broken out by category. Drew got checked as "mastered" in putting on his own shoes and pants, hand washing, scraping his plate, chair management, hammering, sorting and recognizing colors and shapes. He is listed as "practicing" in all the other areas. He has only been in this class for three months, so we were impressed!

His teacher had all positive things to say about him and said "he is her social butterfly that loves to make his friends laugh". Hearing that, might have been my favorite part of the conference. I feel like I pegged Drew very early on as having his daddy's personality and sense of humor, and I think I might be right!

One whole page of the packet was for potty training.... eeek! I had planned on casually talking about potty training at the 2 year mark, but after talking to her she convinced us that he was ready now...
She told us that if we would work with him that weekend and send him in underwear the following Monday, they would hit the ground running and work full time with him at school. Woah! She was very encouraging and positive about it, and we knew we had to give it a shot. So, we are just starting week 2 of full on potty training. He is doing much better at school than he is at home, but we've had a lot of successful trips at home too. I'm not going to lie, it has been a little exhausting and frustrating at times, but we were prepared for this to take some time and we are committed! I hate to jenx us, because it was only one day, BUT I feel like the little guy deserves a little horn tooting. He went ALL DAY today with ZERO accidents at school or home! Talk about a happy day at the Daniels' house! Way to go Drew!

Of course, I have a ton of underwear pics and I couldn't resist sharing a few cute ones with you. Every little boy needs an underwear picture in his cowboy boots, right?

What a little stud!

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