Sunday, February 24, 2013

Birthdays, Snow Days and a Trip to the Park

Last week Drew made his first trip to Fun City for Marlowe's birthday party. I thought he might be a little overwhelmed at first, but he acted like he had been there a million times. He took off as soon as we got there and didn't stop until we left. He loved it!

The birthday girl!
We helped our good friend Ali celebrate her birthday this week too! Drew got to help Ali open her gifts and even modeled a few pieces. 
Earlier in the week, we got a little bit of bad weather and we just knew that we were going to get an entire snow day. That did not happen obviously... He only got one tiny little snow ball.
The weather was pretty nice today, so we took a trip to the park. He walked and walked and walked some more! There's no telling how far he ended up walking. He went down the slide a few times and played on the swing for a little bit, but he really preferred to just walk around. 
This picture doesn't show how steep this hill really is, but Drew was determined to walk to the top of it. He did so good!

In other non-picture news, Drew got another tooth today! We typically have a rough time cutting teeth, but this one didn't give him any problems at all. Woohoo! I just happened to notice it when I was changing his diaper. So now he now has 10 total teeth - 7 in the front and 3 molars. He usually pops them through back to back, so here's to hoping the next one comes through just as easily as this one did!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Random catch up

What a productive, yet very low key week we had! We didn't really have any definite plans, which was nice, but we were still pretty busy and that was nice too. Last week's events in pictures and captions...

We got to keep this sweet girl for the day. Talk about the perfect baby. She was so easy!
Drew brought home some serious artwork from school. This is our first real artwork that has been sent home, so it was kind of a big deal.
We participated in our first Valentine's Day party. We got to pass out Valentine's Cards and everything! 
I took this from his teacher's instagram page, but thought it was sweet. Love the look on his face while passing out his cards. 
Sitting with his sweet Valentine. They both have their hand on the other's leg. Ha!
Andy and I got to go out to dinner while Granny Debbie baby sat. First time on an actual date since last summer! Sadly, the dessert was the only thing I took a picture of.
Saturday, Drew slept in until 8:20! He usually sleeps from 7:30-ish to 7:30-ish, so this extra hour-ish was nice for all of us! He was wired when he woke up. Talked non stop and got a little silly during breakfast. Not sure where he picked this up. 
We took him on his first trip to the library and it was pure destruction. He loved every minute of it though.
And he was a little productive too...
We also got to have some play time with Tate and Kenzie
And to finish the week off, Drew got to enjoy a cupcake with Marlowe to celebrate her birthday a day early. Apparently Mimi should have made his birthday cake because he ate every bit of it!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

13 Months

Last weekend, Drew was officially thirteen months old. It is crazy how many things have changed from his birthday until now. He has definitely kept us busy and very entertained. He went to his well check the week after he turned one. He weighed 22.4 pounds and was 28.9'', putting him in the 50th and 25th percentile. Some highlights from his 13th month...

Mastered walking about two weeks after his birthday. He had taken some steps here and there, but out of the blue that second weekend, he just took off and hasn't stopped since!
Cut 3 molars within one week of each other. What a rough week! He ran a low grade fever off and on and just wasn't himself. We were very thankful he wasn't sick with the flu or any of the other bugs that were going around at the time though.
Really started jabbering this month. Loves to tell big stories and has discovered talking on the phone! I'm not sure where he gets this...
Discovered the cheeseball stash and enjoys sharing with Duke. He gets so tickled watching Duke take a cheeseball from him. I know, this is kind of gross, but... he is a boy.
He has learned to clean and loves it! You can give him a towel or wipe and he will go to town. 
He went on his first little dinner date with Aubrey. Her dad was in denial, but Drew asked her through a letter and everything. The date was at Eastside Grill.
Started liking books and puzzles more. He will point to certain things in a book if you ask him where it is. I know that seems small, but I love it! When he knows he has put the right shape in the cube or gets pretty close on a puzzle piece, he will pull away really fast and say "Ah!". It's pretty cute to see him get excited for himself.
He has always been very curious, but now that he is fully mobile, he helps himself to whatever he wants. The refrigerator is definitely one of his favorite places to explore.
If the rest of this next year is as fun as this first month has been, I can't wait to look back and recap everything. It has been so neat to watch Drew turn into an actual toddler and develop his own little personality. He loves to watch us act silly and I can see a sense of humor in him already. His teacher told us the other day he was very independent, but he is also a huge cuddle bug when Andy or I are around. He is so happy and loves to laugh, but he can throw a pretty good fit too. He is in. to. everything. I swear we watched him walk around the house today just looking for the next thing to destroy. We definitely have a little mess on our hands, but we wouldn't have it any other way!

Friday, February 1, 2013

First Birthday

 Drew's birthday was on a Thursday this year and neither of us could take the whole day off, so we took Drew out to eat for pancakes before he went to school. He loved them and felt pretty cool in his birthday outfit and party hat. I definitely think it was the start of a new tradition! 

Before we went to breakfast. I think this is my favorite picture of the two of us...
Waiting on his pancakes at Village Inn...
Digging in... We had an older man sitting next to us that was very impressed with Drew's appetite. He couldn't believe how much and how well he was eating. Definitely his daddy's child (maybe a little of mom there too)...

When we got to school, Drew's sweet teachers had hung a banner on the window just for him. Made my day! If you look closely you can see his name on the window and you can also see his teacher holding him in the background. 
The Saturday after his birthday, we had his monster themed birthday party. What started out as immediate family, turned into 40 family and friends! Drew is one lucky little man to have so many great people to share his first birthday with! I couldn't have been happier with how things turned out on his big day. 

I was so busy running around that day and hardly got to take any pictures, but my sweet niece took several and made sure to send them to me. Thanks Sidney!

Treats, favors and instructions for the sign in sheet...
Milestone months in pictures...
Partially complete drink table...
Sign in sheet...
Time for cake! It took him a little bit to get into it, but he wasn't interested for long. I was hoping he would go all out and dig in. Maybe next year...
This past weekend we had his one year pictures taken. I've only seen one sneak peak, but I think there are going to be some cute ones! I ordered a 3 ft. balloon from a sale and picked up a smash cake at Harp's on the way. He was into that cake a little more than his actual birthday cake and towards the end, he kept trying to stick his feet into it. Ha!
Newborn and 1 year pictures...
What a difference a year makes! I know everyone says it, but the first year flew by! It is hard to believe I will have a 13 month old in just two days. Very excited to see what this next year will bring!